Medical technology
For haemo-compatible implants, catheters and medical instruments PolyAn’s biocompatible polymer surfaces achieve a minimized adsorption of plasma proteins. Thus platelet activation will be suppressed and the risk of thrombosis can be significantly reduced. With haemo-compatible implants cell adsorption, as e.g. of lymphocytes, that may lead to inflammation processes, is strongly suppressed.
Co-operation in the field of medical technology
In co-operation with a partner that has developed products for cardiovascular surgery PolyAn has carried out successful laboratory tests and a first study with bypass implants. In this study pigs underwent a bypass operation. The bypasses were conducted with and without anti-thrombotic coating on the permanent implants. Seven out of eight pigs, which had a coated implant, survived without any additional medication to suppress thrombosis. None of the pigs with an uncoated implant survived. The results show that modified surfaces of implants suppress or even completely prevent the adsorption of plasma proteins and thus the responsible initial step for development of a thrombosis.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions regarding our surface treatments for implants and other medical products.