Customized particles and surface modifications
Our service: Customized Beads/Bead Populations with individual surface functionalization solutions. With our MSE-technology we are able to provide a wide range of possible combinations of the morphology and functional groups for micro- and nanoparticles. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Custom product development is the cornerstone capability from which PolyAn’s family of products evolved. PolyAn has developed a broad repertoire of bead manufacturing capabilities that meet customer specifications with regards to tolerances, bio-compatibility, and assay conditions.
- Our particles can be tailored to your particular needs with regards to their fluorophore and fluorophore concentration (fluorescence intensity) as well as fluorescence lifetime.
- PolyAn provides customized coupling of biomolecules, e.g. proteins, oligonucleotides, peptides.
- For applications requiring solvent stable particles we offer a range of functionalized, microporous Polyolefine microparticles.
- Surface modification of customer particles: you provide the particles and PolyAn performs the surface modification for your specific application. Possible particle types are for example polymer, silica and magnetic substrates.
As a development partner, PolyAn facilitates efficiency and innovation to maximize your capacities in research and analysis. Let us know what you and your company are exploring and we can support you in making that a reality.