Quality First!
PolyAn pursues a policy of continuous technical excellence to deliver high quality products and services. Our company is dedicated to product consistency and reliability – providing our customers with highly reproducible consumables for their specific applications.
To ensure this PolyAn has successfully implemented the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system for all processes. You can download our current quality certificate in English here and in German here.
Within our Molecular Surface Engineering services we can build on many years of experience as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for customized products. This includes the production of consumables and reagents for:
- in vitro diagnostics
- medical devices
- consumables for pharma screening and quality control in pharma production
As part of our manufacturing services we have experience in complete process documentation according to ISO 9001 as well as higher standards in close cooperation with our customers. PolyAn’s production facilities also include a class 7 cleanroom. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you would like to discuss a project.
Let us work together!