Dual-color encoded Multiplex Beads
The definition and differentiation between bead populations used in multiplex bead assays can be achieved using a combination of fluorescence emission wavelength (color), fluorescence intensity, and bead size. By combining fluorescence encoding and different particle size populations up to 100 populations can be defined.
PolyAn's dual-color encoded beads have been developed specifically for read-out using a fluorescence microscope in combination with a suitable pattern recognition software. This encoding principle is illustrated in the image below.

Dual-color encoded beads allow a narrower definition of the bead population, but have higher requirements regarding the read-out software. Using size as well as fluorescence makes it easier to differentiate between populations. The overall system becomes more robust and the requirements with regards to the read-out system can be reduced.
The standard packaging volume is 1.5 mL/population with a solids content of 0.5%.
PolyAn offers both dual-color encoding and single-dye-encoding. The spectral characteristics of the dyes used for the dual-color encoded system are:
Color 1: | Excitation 420 - 480 nm | Color 2: | Excitation 515 - 540 nm |
Emission 485 - 540 nm | Emission 535 - 570 nm |
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you are interested in a set of multiplex bead populations that is tailored to your specific application and/or read-out system.
Selected publications
- C. Liebsch, S. Roediger, A. Boehm, J. Nitschke, J. Weinreich, A. Fruth, D. Roggenbuck, W. Lehmann, U. Schedler, T. Juretzek, P. Schierack, Solid-phase microbead array for the multiplex O-serotyping of Escherichia coli, Microchim Acta 2017 184:1405–1415.
- Scholz, J., Grossmann, K., Knütter, I., Hiemann, R., Sowa, M., Röber, N., Rödiger, S., Schierack, P., Reinhold, D., Bogdanos, D., Meroni, P.L., Radice, A., Conrad, K., Roggenbuck, D. (2015). Second generation analysis of antinuclear antibody (ANA) by combination of screening and confirmatory testing. Clin Chem Lab Med. May 15.
- Spiess, A.N., Deutschmann, C., Burdukiewicz, M., Himmelreich, R., Klat, K., Schierack, P., Rodiger, S. (2015). Impact of Smoothing on Parameter Estimation in Quantitative DNA Amplification Experiments. Clinical Chemistry. Feb;61(2):379-88.
- Sowa, M., Großmann, K., Scholz, J., Röber, N., Rödiger, S., Schierack, P., Conrad, K., Roggenbuck, D., Hiemann, R. (2014). Der CytoBead-Assay – Eine neue Möglichkeit der multiparametrischen Autoantikörperanalytik bei systemischen Autoimmunerkrankungen. J Lab Med 2014; 38(6): 309–317.
- Rödiger, S., Liebsch, C., Schmidt, C, Lehman, W., Resch-Genger, U., Schedler, U., Schierack, P. (2014). Nucleic acid detection based on the use of microbeads: a review. Microchimica Acta. Volume 181, Issue 11-12, pp 1151-1168.
- Rödiger, S., Lehmann, W., Schierack, P., Schröder, C. (2013) Mikropartikelsysteme für die Nukleinsäurediagnostik. BioSpectrum, 02/2013, 153-154
- Schierack, P., Rödiger, S., Kuhl, C., Hiemann, R., Roggenbuck, D., Li, G., Weinreich, J., Berger, E., Nolan, L.K., Nicholson, B., Römer, A., Frömmel, U., Wieler, L.H., Schröder, C. (2013). Porcine E. coli: Virulence-Associated Genes, Resistance Genes and Adhesion and Probiotic Activity Tested by a New Screening Method. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 26;8(4):e59242.
- Rödiger, S., Schierack, P., Böhm, A., Nitschke, J., Berger, I., Frömmel, U., Schmidt, C., Ruhland, M., Schimke, I., Roggenbuck, D., Lehmann, W., Schröder, C. (2013). A highly versatile microscope imaging technology platform for the multiplex real-time detection of biomolecules and autoimmune antibodies. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol. 133:35-74.
- Grossmann, K., Roggenbuck, D., Schröder, C., Conrad, K., Schierack, P., Sack, U. (2011). Multiplex assessment of non-organ-specific autoantibodies with a novel microbead-based immunoassay. Cytometry A. Feb;79(2):118-25.
- Frömmel, U., Berger, I., Rödiger, S., Schierack, P., Schröder, C., Multiplex-PCR Mikropartikel-Assay zum Nachweis bakterieller Gene, 01/2011; Pabst Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-89967-703-4